ARM Immortalis GPU flagship chip launch: Mobile phone light chase is not a dream

AMD and Nvidia have been fighting hard on the PC side of the hardware light tracking technology is finally coming to mobile! Today, British chip designer ARM announced a range of new chip technologies, including its new flagship Immortalis GPU, the first GPU to implement hardware ray tracking on mobile devices.

ARM sees Immortalis as the beginning of a transformation in light-tracking technology for mobile devices, and says it has already shipped 8 billion Mali Gpus.

The Immortalis is based on a Mali design with 10-16 cores and promises a 15 percent performance improvement over the previous generation of Mali Gpus.

According to a roadmap released by ARM, Immortalis plans to launch its new flagship GPU "Titan" in 2023 and "Krake" in 2024, both of which are expected to continue to enhance optical tracking performance.

In fact, a number of mobile phone manufacturers are already experimenting with ray tracking.

Earlier, Samsung announced the introduction of similar image processing technology for the Exynos 2200, and OPPO also showed off a light-tracking Demo implemented on mobile phones.

However, it should be acknowledged that, unlike the positive attitude of hardware manufacturers, game developers have shown little interest in the mobile version of light tracking, and it remains to be seen whether the technology will gain market acceptance and ecological support once it is launched.

Of course, the pursuit of light after small make up think mobile phone is not too realistic, after all PC a medallion chase frame drop off badly, small mobile phone chips may be ragged, moreover, mobile chip is a pursuit of eer platform, on the battery performance and energy consumption as well as make a balance is not an easy thing, However, it is recommended that some manufacturers take another step forward in innovation.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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