What is BYRUTOR website and how to download Steam games for free

What is BYRUTOR's website?

BYRUTOR is a website published by a Russian crack organization, which mainly provides learning versions of all Steam games, and the variety of games is beyond your imagination!!! Originally it was forbidden to visit, but due to the problems between Russia and Ukraine in August, the Russian side lifted the ban on this site, which makes the majority of white whoring party heart steal, here is to provide us with access to the URL:


How to download Steam game learning version for free

Since this is a Russian website, of course the language of the page is Russian, but nowadays our browsers usually have a built-in translation function, so after opening the homepage, right click on the blank space and select Translate to English, so the page will become English.

what is byrutor website and how to download steam games for free

Let's take Uncharted as an example, click in and then click that green button to download it!

what is byrutor website and how to download steam games for free 1

Download is divided into two kinds, one is the seed download, one is no seed download, follow the prompts to operate, how? Did you learn to waste?

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/guide/what-is-byrutor-website-and-how-to-download-steam-games-for-free.html

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