Wine 7.19 Released with VKD3D 1.5 and MPEG-4 Audio Support

While the official delivery date for Wine 8.0 is fast approaching, updates to the Wine 7 series don't stop there, with the official release today of the latest development version of the open source software, which acts as an operating system middle tier allowing Windows games and applications to run on Linux and macOS.

WineConf was held in Minnesota last week, affecting the production schedule, and Wine 7.19 was released three weeks after the last update, instead of the usual bi-weekly release. one of the most notable changes in Wine 7.19 is the inclusion of VKD3D 1.5 to update Direct3D 12 support for Vulkan, and VKD3D 1.5 updates HLSL shading language support, and various other improvements.

wine 7 19 released with vkd3d 1 5 and mpeg 4 audio support

In addition to VKD3D 1.5, Wine 7.19 adds MPEG-4 audio format support and various other changes:

  • - Support for storing DOS properties on disk.
  • - The bundled vkd3d has been upgraded to version 1.5.
  • - Support for MPEG-4 audio format.
  • - Various bug fixes.

Wine 7.19 has a total of 17 known bug fixes, including resolution of issues with various Microsoft programs, the HP Prime virtual calculator emulator, and other games and applications.

A complete list of Wine 7.19 changes can be found via at:

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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