[iOS] Runestone Text Editor – Edit plain text and code

Runestone Text Editor is a small, easy-to-use tool for editing text files directly in the File.app app for iOS.

Runestone Text Editor

That said, in the iOS File.app, it's really just a file browser, with exclusive and simple functionality, and complex operations that basically need to be solved by a third party.

Runestone Text Editor provides a simple solution for general text file editing, it looks like File.app itself, you can share it with Runestone Text Edito in File.app, or you can open it directly.

ios runestone text editor edit plain text and code

Runestone Text Editor also supports:

  • Syntax highlighting (HTML, JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, Swift, Python, PHP, YAML, etc.)
    Search, replace
  • Multiple theme styles
  • Select font and size
  • Quick jump to specified line
  • iPad multi-window
  • Print documents


From AppStore

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/software/ios-runestone-text-editor-edit-plain-text-and-code.html

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