Xiaomi responds to rumors of car-making being called off: car project is progressing smoothly

Since the end of February 2021 Xiaomi announced the car, there is often Xiaomi car news, before that it is also rumored that Xiaomi car has been on the road self-driving test, but the recent online rumors Xiaomi car was called off the news sparked hot debate:

xiaomi responds to rumors of car making being called off car project is progressing smoothly

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Previously, on September 30, according to Punch News, in a recent internal speech, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun revealed that the first engineering car of Xiaomi Auto has officially rolled off the line. In addition, according to 36 Krypton, Xiaomi Auto has recently made job adjustments to two core executives, namely the product department under Xiaomi Auto Vice President Li Xiao Shuang, to Vice President Yu Liguo, who is already based in Shanghai and is mainly responsible for the supply chain. This is also almost a year since Xiaomi announced the car, one of the few job changes involving the vice president.

This time, sources from Xiaomi told the Kotaku Daily that they would not respond to the rumors and that the Xiaomi car project was progressing smoothly.

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I think, millet car is millet's first project, certainly need more time to manufacture and research in order to launch a better product, after all, if the first car word of mouth if not good, then how to do this project later! The netizens are waiting anxiously at the same time, hoping that manufacturers make more cost-effective products, and even hope that Xiaomi car to the industry to bring a change in expectations is also very high, in short, 2024 let us wait and see it.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/news/xiaomi-responds-to-rumors-of-car-making-being-called-off-car-project-is-progressing-smoothly.html

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