Warning from Xiamen University: Be careful with Norton 360, which comes with mining

Recently, Norton 360 antivirus has been criticized by users for its own mining feature, which some see as a degradation of the security industry, but antivirus companies seem to be happy about it and Little Red Umbrella is ready to join the trend and launch antivirus software that can mine.

Norton 360's Norton Crypto mining feature was piloted last year, and according to Norton, you can mine ETH Ether with their antivirus software after turning on Norton Crypto.

Compared to local or other web wallets, they offer consumers a safe and secure way to mine, users don't have to worry about being exposed to traps, and they can cloud store crypto wallets to prevent loss or theft.

However, Norton Crypto is not free; it will charge users 15% of their mining revenue, and users may also be charged transaction fees for transferring digital currencies between blockchains.

As Norton 360 supports the mining function, domestic institutions have already started to show the alarm, Xiamen University issued a notice on January 11 "about the risk of Norton 360 antivirus software comes with mining function", pointing out that the mining function added by Norton 360 runs counter to the spirit of the national comprehensive remediation of virtual currencies, there are certain security risks, requiring students and teachers to use Norton 360 antivirus software carefully.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/news/warning-from-xiamen-university-be-careful-with-norton-360-which-comes-with-mining.html

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