Microsoft’s classic Media Player pushes new version: custom colors are finally here

Recently, Microsoft pushed Build 22598 update to Win11, and in this update, Microsoft's classic player, Media Player, was updated again.

With this update, Media Player player adds a custom color and accent color system that allows users to adjust the theme color of the player or let the player display the theme color of the current music album by itself.

In addition, Media Player's artist page has been optimized, introducing a new album details page that makes it easier and more intuitive for users to select albums, and adding a hover window for quick actions.

In addition to music playback, the update also optimizes the software's video playback capabilities.

Microsoft has now added an enhanced dialogue option to Media Player's video player, which allows users to adjust the brightness, contrast and other information of the video by right-clicking to call out the menu.

In fact, since Media Player was given a new life in Win11 and replaced Groove Music as the default player, Microsoft hasn't stopped fixing and optimizing it.

However, the current Media Player still differs from the third-party software in terms of ease of operation, and still needs more improvement from Microsoft in the subsequent operation logic of the short sword.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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