MediaTek’s M80 5G baseband wins two GTI awards: triple carrier aggregation bests 7Gbps

Recently, the GTI Awards 2022 winners were officially announced, and MediaTek's M80 5G baseband won the Mobile Technology Innovation Breakthrough Award and Outstanding Product Award.

GTI is an international industry cooperation platform initiated and established by China Mobile, SoftBank, Vodafone and other operators in 2011, bringing together global mainstream operators and industry partners, numbering 141 and 249 respectively, and opened GTI 2.0 in 2016 to promote 5G development and cross-industry convergence and innovation.

Each award of GTI Awards needs to be selected by GTI Core Committee and multiple operators, and undergoes a rigorous evaluation process, making it one of the most authoritative and golden awards in the industry.

In terms of 5G technology, MediaTek has strong technology accumulation and leading solutions, and 5G technology has been verified by more than 100 operators worldwide.

The recently released flagship Dimensity 9000, and the light flagship Dimensity 8100/8000, are also equipped with the latest M80 baseband.

The baseband supports 3GPP R16 standard, 3CC 300MHz tri-carrier aggregation in the Sub-6GHz band, and peak downlink rates of up to 7Gbps.

Thanks to the R16 super uplink feature, the MediaTek M80 can increase speed by up to 300% in weak signal environments and is optimized for connection stability in fast moving scenarios such as high-speed rail, maintaining signal speed and stability even at 500km/h.

In response to the increased energy consumption of the 5G platform, MediaTek M80 5G baseband supports MediaTek 5G UltraSave power saving technology, which reduces power consumption by 20% under the R16 standard, in addition to the consistent leading dual SIM technology.

It is worth mentioning that last summer, MediaTek and Ericsson completed a 5G millimeter wave-based quad-carrier aggregation uplink test using the very same MediaTek M80 5G baseband-based devices and pre-commercial software, achieving a peak uplink rate of 495Mbps, breaking the industry record.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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