China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom have joined hands with Huawei to improve broadband, 5G network speed and the quality of mobile Internet of Things

According to Securities Times, on the 14th, the first Mobile Internet of Things Conference (2022) was held. At the meeting, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Tower, China Information Communication Research Institute, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and other six units jointly launched a joint initiative for high-quality development of the mobile Internet of Things.


These enterprises announced that all industries and fields should accelerate the use of mobile Internet of Things technology to carry out application innovation, widely tap application needs, comprehensively promote the large-scale application of mobile Internet of Things, build new business types and new models, and enable industrial transformation and upgrading; All parties in the mobile Internet of Things industry jointly strengthen the research and development of chips, modules, terminals, software, platforms and services, and jointly establish a mobile Internet of Things development matrix.

Comprehensively improve the industrial supply capacity and innovation capacity; Basic telecom enterprises give full play to the advantages of mobile Internet of Things technology and network, improve the coverage of mobile Internet of Things, accelerate the deployment of 5G RedCap, accelerate the upgrading of 2G and 3G Internet of Things, build a mobile Internet of Things network infrastructure that meets the requirements of low, medium and high speed full scene applications, and achieve the upgrading of mobile Internet of Things capabilities and application generation.

In addition, the three operators also said that they would work with Huawei and other equipment manufacturers to improve broadband network speed and 5G network speed.
Before that, Hu Houkun, Huawei's rotating chairman, said that 5G had made good progress in network deployment, consumer services and industrial applications since its commercial use for three years, and had entered a period of rapid development. 5G has huge development potential, but still faces many challenges.

Compared with 4G, the user experience of 5G has been greatly improved, and new consumer behavior represented by video has been formed. This has led to twice the growth of online traffic (DOU), while the ARPU value has increased by 20%~40%, driving the steady growth of the operator's connection revenue.

Of course, the most critical is the 5.5G network, which jointly defines and promotes the orderly development of the 5.5G industry. Promote the continuous evolution of 5G, and realize the four key features of 5.5G: "10Gbps for downlink, 1Gbps for uplink, 100 billion connections, and endogenous intelligence" towards 2025.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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