Apple redefines digging screen: iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island becomes the biggest highlight

Although over the years, major Android manufacturers, especially domestic manufacturers, have often dissed that Apple has not innovated, and every press conference is "hanging" various Apple devices.

But as the world's strongest technology company, Apple is still the same Apple, and its innovation is still unmatched by other manufacturers.

The iPhone 14 Pro released early this morning demonstrated the practice of hole-digging screens for global mobile phone manufacturers, bringing an unparalleled "Dynamic Island" interactive system, which can be said to completely redefine hole-digging screens.

apple redefines digging screen iphone 14 pro dynamic island becomes the biggest highlight

First of all, in terms of hardware, Apple placed the distance sensor under the screen and moved the earpiece up to turn the bangs into a digging hole, but it was not the exclamation mark shape as rumored, but a whole "pill", of course Apple gave it a foreign name - Smart Island.

However, Smart Island refers not only to the black border, but also to the collective name of the whole set of interactive design.

The smart island is presented as a long oval in standby mode. When there are notifications such as incoming calls and text messages, the Dynamic Island will change its shape so that users can receive these information more intuitively.


Users can also call up the control options by long-pressing, which can display the current status of the app, and can also display important reminders, notifications and activities in real time, and the whole set of interactive animations is very smooth and silky, as if everything should be like this.

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From this can also see Apple's product thinking, although limited by current technology, but they think not how to hide the hole, but to make a big deal of it, so that the hole from an ugly "scar" has become an irreplaceable clever function.

After the release of this concept, many netizens feel very its wonderful and hope that the Android manufacturers industry to launch similar features.

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In fact, Apple has already made an example, Android manufacturers want to follow up is not difficult, but now Android manufacturers have formed a set of logic to weaken the hole, so it will not directly learn from Apple to carry out a radical reform.

However, it can be expected that there will be Android manufacturers to learn this idea in the future, to make interesting interactive systems around the hole, such as using the hole to display the power, etc., the fastest should be able to see more play this year.

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Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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