How to adjust Alt+Tab to switch windows in Microsoft Edge browser

Recently, I just started to use Microsoft Edge browser, although it works well, I found an extremely big problem: due to the operating habits, I generally use Alt + Tab shortcut when switching windows, once Edge opens a few more windows, it becomes switching in Edge's tabs and cannot cut to other windows of Windows. After exploring, I found that this function can be adjusted in the system settings, so let's see how to operate it together.

How to adjust Alt+Tab to switch windows in Microsoft Edge browser

how to adjust alt tab to switch windows in microsoft edge browser

First we open the settings, you can also press the shortcut Win + R, then click on "System" - "Multitasking" - click on "Desktop " - in the second column "Show all open windows when pressing Alt + Tab" hit the option, here is the meaning of the two options.

"Only the desktop I am using": means that the current window will not switch to the second window, for example, if there are 4 tab windows in Edge, it will only switch between these 4 windows.

"On all desktops": means switching between different windows, for example, if you have an Edge open with 4 windows inside, and an Explorer open, then it will only switch between Edge and Explorer.

So the second is what I want, change it to "on all desktops"!

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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