The Twitter hashFlag for Apple’s WWDC 2022 has gone live

When Posting or commenting on social media, many people have become accustomed to using the hashtag. But with just five days to go before Apple's WWDC 2022 kicks off, WWDC 2022's HashFlag twitter logo has been officially launched. Apple has been actively opening up custom Twitter options for the company's events since September 2020.

On Wednesday afternoon, WWDC 2022's HashFlag hashtag went live on Twitter.

The hashflag pops up when a Twitter user tweets with the hashtag #WWDC22. As you can see above, it has the Swift Logo in the Swift programming language in a colorful ring and can be seen by anyone using the official client.

Apple is expected to announce software improvements such as iOS 16 and macOS 13 at the annual Worldwide Developer event, and is even expected to introduce hardware such as the Apple AR headset.

Earlier, eagle-eyed users spotted Apple burying AR interactive card eggs in the WWDC 2022 campaign page.

For those interested, watch the keynote on Monday, June 6, at 10 am Pacific Time, via Apple's website, Apple TV client, or YouTube live.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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