New technology in Edge browser dramatically increases speed

Edge browser has received a lot of praise from users for its speed since it switched to Chromium kernel. Now Microsoft has decided to continue to optimize the speed of Edge browser.

Microsoft announced in the official blog that Edge 102 will use a new caching mechanism, which can further improve the efficiency of Edge browser.

As we know, Edge browser uses caching technology to temporarily store commonly used data, so that it is easier for applications to read the required data when they respond frequently.

Many friends optimize Edge browser by clearing the cache of Edge browser, which seems to reduce the disk space, but in fact, it may cause Edge browser to take longer time to find data and slow down the response speed.

Cache will take up space, but using "optimization" to delete cache will affect Edge's response speed. Now, Microsoft has introduced automatic disk cache compression mechanism in Edge 102 to reduce disk usage while improving performance.

According to Microsoft's official blog, when the browser uses too many resources, it not only affects the browsing experience, but also slows down the whole system. However, when it comes to performance optimization, it is often necessary to balance the optimization of the whole system, because optimizing one resource usually comes at the cost of increasing the use of another resource.

The disk cache is the typical example, which browsers use to store resources fetched from the Web so that they can be quickly accessed later, when needed.

The larger the size of the cache, the more likely it is that the requested resources will be fetched from disk, which is usually faster than fetching the same resources from the network.

On the other hand, however, the size of the cache needs to be carefully managed, especially on devices with insufficient disk space, because unlimited caching can cause the system to run out of disk space.

To prevent browser caching from consuming all available disk space, browsers today can basically regulate disk cache usage based on available space. On systems with insufficient disk space, this issue is even more important.

In Edge 102, Microsoft uses compression to save disk space for cached content. The content inside these very caches is usually highly compressible, so compression increases the likelihood that the requested resources will be fetched from disk.

Starting with Edge 102, the browser automatically compresses caches that can be reconciled to ensure that the compression is beneficial and does not degrade performance. This ensures that the compression of these caches greatly improves performance and the overall user experience.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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