Microsoft quietly pushes Copilot to Windows Server 2022

According to reports, Microsoft recently pushed its own Copilot app to Windows Server 2022.

According to the report, Microsoft quietly pushed the Copilot app update to Windows Server 2022 without informing users, and users can find the app on the "Apps and Features" page.

However, the size of the app is only 8KB, and users can click on it without any effect at this stage.

In this regard, some netizens commented, "Microsoft is crazy, people servers want this thing for what? Too much server market share?" There are also netizens who said, "There are KPIs for the promotion of this thing?"

Not long ago, Microsoft also quietly installed the Copilot application by updating the Edge browser, Windows 11 and Windows 10 users in the installation of the Edge update will be bundled with the installation of the Copilot application.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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