Microsoft blocked Win10, Win11 download? Russia to Linux system!

Not long ago, it was reported that Microsoft has blocked the Russian territory of Win10 and Win11 system download, visit the relevant page will prompt a 404 error. As Microsoft continues to withdraw, Russia is also turning to Linux in an attempt to replace Win.

According to the Moscow Times, Russian government and institutions have started to use Linux, migrating the Windows platform to Russian company Rusbitech's Linux operating system Astra Linux based on Debian distribution.

Hundreds of contracts for the purchase and installation of Linux, worth billions of rubles, have been posted on public procurement websites by clients of Gazprom, Rosatom and local governments, including clinics, the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Russian Federation and others.

Microsoft said before will gradually reduce the business in Russia, although it will not completely exit, but will also be a very weak presence, Russia is not only unable to download the official website of Win10 and Win11 system, the future system update may also be banned.

For individual users, this is not a big deal, but for government and enterprise users, the lack of official technical support and maintenance will still affect the operation, but switching to Linux will also have a series of hardware and software compatibility issues, which is not easy.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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