Huawei Mate 50 Pro latest rendering exposure

Currently, there is no definite release date for Huawei Mate 50 series phones, the latest rumor is July, which is expected to debut Snapdragon 8 Gen1 4G processor and HarmonyOS 3.0 official system.

Recently, designer Hoiindi drew a new render of the Huawei Mate 50 Pro based on a revelation that has yet to be further confirmed. Previously, the revelation claimed that the Mate 50 series might return to the Mate 20 era bangscreen design.

Frankly speaking, although the iPhone has been sticking to the bangs screen from 2017 to now, Android manufacturers are following the trend and soon opening another picture of a hundred flowers, and the mainstream of the moment is almost a clear-cut dug-out screen.

However, back to the rendering, it seems to use a small bangs similar to the iPhone 13 series, with a micro-curved screen, the look and feel is not bad.

The back camera part still has Leica lettering, and the configuration is a bit of a "combination" of the P50 Pro and Mate 40 Pro, with two small circles inside the big round set in the middle, and as many as five cameras, including the square periscope zoom head.

As for the right part of the similar metal contacts, may be used for external 5G phone case, there are claims that Huawei is creating a case through the phone case to achieve 5G network support adapter accessories.

Of course, the final production machine exactly how, may wish to wait and see.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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