Apple pushes Safari browser : optimization update

Apple recently pushed out a beta version of the Safari browser for iOS, iPadOS and macOS Monterey, the first release since it was criticized by users as "new-age IE".

In this version, Apple has optimized the password saving feature of Safari browser to solve the confusion that could exist when saving a password without a user name.

In the new beta version, if a user wants to save a password without a username to iCloud Keychain in Safari, a pop-up will appear that says "To save this password, enter the username for your [website] account" and ask the user to enter the username.

Meanwhile, in the new version, iCloud Keychain also adds the note function and allows users to hide password update reminders, both of which are more practical new features.

Previously, some users had said in their feedback that "Safari experience is terrible, it is the new IE", and they were dissatisfied with the current functional performance of Safari browser.

In fact, Jen Simmons, the leader of Safari team, said that the current Safari browser has some bugs that existed several years ago but have not been fixed.

From this update, we can see that the Safari team has already started to optimize and adjust the experience of using the existing features, which may indicate that there will be more and more large-scale optimization and changes in the future.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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