Apple iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island is the clearest display

For those users who want to buy the iPhone 14 Pro series, it is necessary to take a closer look at this smart island before starting to see if they can really accept it.

Some bloggers posted a fairly clear notch on the iPhone 14 Pro on Weibo. This is the most accurate description of the screen with an exclamation mark, so it can be seen under particularly clear lighting.

Many netizens said after reading it, it is really ugly, and they have no desire to buy at all. Apple really doesn't know what to say about this design now.

apple iphone 14 pro dynamic island is the clearest display

To put it simply, under strong light such as outdoor sunlight, indoor strong light, etc., the Apple exclamation point digging screen itself will appear, and the digging area and the UI of the smart island will also have obvious color difference, but it cannot be seen in daily use. .

Judging from the adaptation of some App software at present, it has not kept up with Apple's pace, especially for apps such as video and games.

At present, some games related to Smart Island have come out, and users who have a real machine can try it, such as raising a pet or something...

apple iphone 14 pro dynamic island is the clearest display 1

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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