Tutorial: Solution for Win11 22H2 Remote Desktop Bug

The big Win11 22H2 update on September 22 brought a lot of new features, but it was also accompanied by a lot of bugs, involving various aspects such as printers, SSDs, transfer speeds, and so on. These bugs were actually found in the testing phase, but the official version was not fixed.

Today, Microsoft admitted again that there is a problem with the remote desktop function of Win11 22H2.

According to feedback from users on Microsoft forums, in version 22H2, the normal operation of the remote desktop function appears literary, often random disconnections, deadlines and other connection problems.

Microsoft said that it is now aware of the existence of the problem, is investigating the report, the affected users can choose to roll back the latest version of Win11, or disable the UDP connection to temporarily circumvent the vulnerability.

At the same time, you can also create fClientDisableUDP DWORD in the registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services\Client. And set the value to 1 to circumvent the vulnerability.

Not surprisingly, Microsoft will be in the next routine version update, including the remote desktop, Win11 22H2 version of a large number of problems.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/guide/tutorial-solution-for-win11-22h2-remote-desktop-bug.html

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