Tutorial: How to view the version number of APP from APK file

Recently when downloading the APK file found that the official did not write the specific APP version number is how much, although the APK file can be directly unpacked with compression software, but still no version number information, after poking around and found a tool aapt.exe can be viewed:.


Let's take a look at how to do the following:

1. Download the aapt.exe toolkit: http://dl.appsofter.com/f/13205235-668581903-3dd636

2. Extract the aapt.exe file from the toolkit and place it in the same directory as the apk file

3. enter the cmd command prompt (WIN + R, cmd Enter)

4. Enter the command:

aapt dump badging x:\xxx.apk

and enter, you can see the PackageName, VersionCode, LauncherActivity and other information!

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/guide/tutorial-how-to-view-the-version-number-of-app-from-apk-file.html

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