airpods indicator light description_airpods different color indicators indicate what state

Many people do not know airpods different color indicators indicate what state, although airpods currently the latest model for AirPods Pro 2, but many people do not know its indicators of different colors and the state of the specific meaning, today to share this airpods indicator instructions, I hope to help the need of the network users.

airpods indicator light description airpods different color indicators indicate what state

airpods indicator light description

  • Green light is long: fully charged.
  • Show red: not inserted into the headset, on behalf of the charging box is not fully charged, inserted into the headset, on behalf of the charging box is not fully charged and the headset battery is not enough.
  • Orange light long light: on behalf of the headset box remaining power is not enough to fill the headset once
  • Yellow light blinking: on behalf of the headset is abnormal and needs to be reset.
  • White light flashing: the headset is ready to start pairing.
  • Flashing red light (amber) means that the left and right headphones are not paired successfully.
  • Show green light: insert the headset, on behalf of the headset and charging box has been full, not inserted into the headset, on behalf of the charging box is not full.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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