The second best-selling game in history “GTA 5” can not sell

Game companies probably do not envy the "GTA 5" such works, 2013 to now on sale almost 10 years, the host have boiled away three generations, and now is still crazy money, become the second best-selling game in the history of the game, the first is "Minecraft".

the second best selling game in history gta 5 can not sell

In 2022 Q3, "GTA 5" is finally facing the problem of "not selling", the development of Take-Two's earnings report mentioned that the total sales of "GTA 5" more than 170 million copies, and in Q2 quarter the official said sales approaching 170 million copies.

Take-Two explained that the statistics of game sales in the earnings report is 5 million copies a unit, and the figures fluctuate around 170 million in both quarters, which means that the sales of GTA 5 in Q3 are less than 5 million copies, and it is not worth listing a separate figure.

Take-Two invariably installed a B, this wave of Versailles said many game companies to spit blood - this quarter sales for the first time less than 5 million, meaning that each quarter sales before or more than 5 million copies.

I have to say that "GTA 5" life is really strong, until 2021 to be packaged again to take advantage of a little, launched "GTA 5" enhanced version, landing PS5, XSX/XSS and PC platform, continue to sell a wave again.

But "GTA 5" sold less and less I'm afraid is inevitable, after all, Take-Two has made it clear that "GTA 6" in development, even if the hacking, leaks of the accident, but players already have expectations of the goal.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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