PS5 was cracked by one click: Free installation of trilogy procedures

The PS5 console, which has only been listed for two years, just cracked like this?

The ID displayed as "Jose Gonzalez" shared the latest progress of the PS5 host cracking. From the screenshot, you only need to click the "Auto Hen" notification message of the main interface to enable the homemade program.

The significance of homemade firmware is that it can run and install trilogy software freely, including but not limited to various "pirated" games.


Earlier, another great god Lance McDonald demonstrated the picture of installing the PS4 PKG file through vulnerability, including the "Silent Hill PT" game. However, he has a lot of restrictions on cracking. In addition to the system version below 4.03 (released in October 2021), the success rate is also unstable, and the game can only be installed and deleted and cannot run ...

It is not clear that Gonzalez's cracking this time, what's the follow -up, at least from the perspective of the process, it is much simpler.

It is worth mentioning that earlier, the hacker CTURT also claimed that the so -called PS4 and PS5 host permanent vulnerability "MAST1C0RE" could not be fixed.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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