Google cloud game Stadia will be discontinued

The company announced that its cloud gaming business, Stadia, will cease operations on January 18 next year, and players will receive a refund for the gaming hardware and software purchased in the Google Store.

google cloud game stadia will be discontinued

Phil Harrison, head of the business, admitted that the business has been launched for three years now and has not attracted enough popularity, forcing the company to make the difficult decision to move the technology platform that supports the business to other business units, such as YouTube, Google Play, and the AR field.

Harrison said Google remains committed to game development and related technology exploration, and that the company will continue to invest in development tools and platform technology to support developers and partners. For example, game hardware and software, DLC and Kryptonite spending, etc.

Stadia's fate was sealed over a year ago when Jade's sister left the company in a fit of rage. At the time, Jade Raymond was trying to develop an exclusive game by bringing in big names from the industry to stand up for Stadia through personal connections.

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As a result, Stadia's first-party development force, including its own studio, was uprooted, and the company's executives were clearly retreating. The platform would have gone with Jade's sister at the beginning of last year, if not for a significant increase in home time due to the peak of the epidemic last year, which renewed Stadia's breath.

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In addition, the Saudi sovereign fund announced to use $37.8 billion to inject money into the game business, including the contribution of $13 billion to buy a game industry head publisher.

Insiders say that $13 billion is not enough to buy EA or Take-Two, leaving the rest of the small fish and shrimp to be bought at will. The relevant investment behavior through the sovereign fund wholly owned by Savvy Games Group to operate, including in May this year to buy a 5% share of Nintendo shares (Nintendo said completely unaware of the prior), in June this year with 840 million pounds to buy Embracer Group part of the shares, in addition to owning Nexon and Capcom each 5% shares, and contribute billions of dollars to buy Activision-Blizzard, EA, Take-Two's stock, can be said to cast a wide net, choose the best from.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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