Microsoft “streamlined” mobile Office applications: a variety of file sharing features were cut

As part of the Microsoft 365 integration, Microsoft has recently started to upgrade and optimize the mobile Office application. In the process, Microsoft has removed some redundant features in addition to adding some new features.

microsoft streamlined mobile office applications a variety of file sharing features were cut

Today, Microsoft just announced that two features will be removed from Office for mobile at the end of this year.

First, the "Transfer Files" feature, which allows users to transfer files between Office applications and PC devices, will be cut, which requires users to open a QR code in Office on the PC and scan the code to receive it in the mobile application.

Microsoft believes that this feature will be replaced by OneDrive, and the new mobile Office application will integrate cloud synchronization of files, so that users can easily access files on any device.

As a result, Share Nearby will be retired on December 31 this year, and previously transferred files will not be affected.

In addition, the Share Nearby feature that allows users to share files between nearby Android devices will also be removed, with Share Nearby, which will be retired on December 31, and previously transferred files will not be affected.

It is reported that Microsoft said that removing these unnecessary features can improve the stability and reliability of the software and provide more value to users.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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