Russia’s first homemade ATM will hit the market next year: with its own chips

Delivery of the first units of Russia's first self-developed automatic teller Machine (ATM) is scheduled for February to March 2023, Russian news agency Ria Novosti reported On June 20.


The announcement was made by Artem Zhilonov, CEO and co-owner of BFS. Zhilonov said the machines will be equipped with Russian Elbrus processors and will be equipped with self-developed software, as well as unique designs.

It should be noted, however, that the ATM's cash recognition and processing modules and some components will be foreign. Zhilonov stressed that from a technical point of view, Russia's first self-developed ATM will fully meet the needs of the market, comparable to western equipment.

He added that the first batch of ATMs will be at least 1,500 and that a number of large banks, including VTB, have already shown significant interest in the equipment.

Saw understands that BFS has been operating in the Russian market for more than 18 years and is one of the leading providers of integrated solutions for self-service banking systems, offering a full range of services and software development in addition to self-service equipment.

Although BFS did not mention the details of the Elbrus processor, it is understood that it is based on the Russian MCST fourth-generation 64-bit ARM architecture, which is relatively easy to achieve domestic replacement for ATM machines that do not care about performance.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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