OnePlus 12 debuts with bionic vibration-sensing motor Turbo

December 1, AAC Technology officially held a new product release event this afternoon, bringing a new bionic vibration sensing motor Turbo, which will be carried by OnePlus 12 debut.

According to reports, the bionic vibration sensing motor Turbo for the first time using the magnetic king material, motor driving force increased by 18%, and debut the industry's latest magnetic circuit technology CSA +, braking speed skyrocketed by 140%, startup speed increased by 60%, steady state bandwidth increased by 102%.

oneplus 12 debuts with bionic vibration sensing motor turbo

At the same time, the bionic vibration sensing motor Turbo, leading the industry in vibration volume, bandwidth, and start-stop speed in all aspects, captured the industry's first, and all key indicators exceeded the motor's industry benchmark (iPhone 15 Pro Max), and vibration sensation reached an unprecedented height.

In addition, combined with the vibration sensing adaptation ecology of both Yiga and Ruixing, the strong combination of all kinds of applications and games have been adapted and accessed, the vibration sensing circle of friends to expand again, but also as many as 72 categories of 700+ system vibration effects in the system have been tuned.


OnePlus 12 will be officially released on December 5, the new machine will also debut with a plus and BOE jointly built Oriental screen, which is the industry's most eye-care cell phone screen.

A plus Li Jie said, bright eye eye protection is the industry's first from a medical perspective to dismantle and comprehensively solve the eye protection problem of eye protection technology program, leading a new generation of screen eye protection technology.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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