Cook responds to Apple’s partnership with Tsinghua University to train China’s future talent together

Recently, Apple announced a further partnership with Tsinghua University to support the "Carbon Neutral Capacity Enhancement" program at Tsinghua University to develop the environmental concepts and capabilities of the young generation.


Speaking at the Tsinghua event, Apple Vice President and Managing Director of Greater China Yue Ge expressed his pride in working with Tsinghua University to promote the development of carbon-neutral talent. We look forward to continuing to work with Tsinghua University in the future to contribute to the development of talent for climate change and sustainable development.

About this project, the other side of the ocean Cook also attaches great importance to it. Cook responded on social media today, "Today's students can be tomorrow's environmental leaders. We are excited to continue our partnership with Tsinghua University to develop China's future environmental talent."

It is said that the program is designed for practitioners of carbon neutral issues to enhance their innovation and leadership, through which students can build carbon neutral concepts and thinking, systematically understand and master the basic knowledge of carbon neutrality, and improve their ability of carbon neutral technology innovation and management.

In fact, Apple has been a leader in promoting renewable energy in China. Back in 2014, Apple invested in two solar PV projects in Sichuan to meet the needs of all of its operations in China. This project is the first time a commercial company has created a new, self-sustaining, large-scale project in China.

To help more Chinese suppliers gain access to clean energy, Apple also launched its China Clean Energy Fund in 2018 to accelerate renewable energy development in China in an innovative way.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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