Apple will join India’s 5G service in the new iOS 16.2Beta: iPhone 12 will be available later

Last month, India officially opened its 5G services, with the first batch launched in 13 cities.

However, due to the frequency band and other issues, many cell phones can not directly connect to India's 5G, requiring cell phone manufacturers to update the firmware to connect.

apple will join indias 5g service in the new ios 16 2beta iphone 12 will be available later

In response, Apple said it will push out firmware for eligible iPhones next month to include support for 5G in India, and the new iOS 16 Beta to be launched next week will be the first to do so.

According to Apple India, the entire iPhone 12 lineup-all iPhone 14 lineup, as well as the iPhone SE3 are capable of supporting 5G networks in India.

It is worth mentioning that previously, India's telecom minister Ashwini Vaishna said that 5G services will not charge people extra.

The Indian telecom operator had also conducted measurements of 5G network speed in India, and the measurements showed that 5G was able to achieve a download speed of 1.2Gbps in the metro in Bangalore, and even 3.7Gbps in open signal areas.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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