Subscription system not accepted by players: Sony PS+ membership plummeted by 1.8 million

In June this year, Sony launched a new PS+ membership service, adding an upgraded version containing a subscription game library and a premium version of two grades above the original basic version.

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But according to Sony's fiscal year 2022 second quarter (April to September) earnings report released today, the new subscription-based membership does not appear to have been well received by players.

Throughout the second quarter, all three classes of PS+ membership totaled 45.4 million subscribers, down 1.8 million compared to 47.2 million in the same period last year.

Meanwhile, monthly active users also dropped to 102 million from 104 million a year ago.

However, despite the decline in active numbers and membership, Sony as a whole remained profitable throughout the second quarter and saw a 16% increase.

The increase in turnover allowed Sony to boost its full-year operating profit to 1.16 trillion yen (approximately RMB 57.072 billion) from the original forecast of 1.11 trillion yen (approximately RMB 54.612 billion).

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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