WordPress 6.0.3 official release

WordPress 6.0 includes more than 500 enhancements and 400 bug fixes. This page highlights several key improvements that make the WordPress content creation and site building experience richer and more intuitive, and you'll also find resources for developers and anyone who wants to learn more about WordPress.


6.0.3 Fixed some security issues.


Enhanced Writing Experience

Whether you're writing a new article or adding elements to an existing page, writing improvements abound. Explore more ways to streamline your content creation process, including

Select text across blocks and edit it all at once.

Enter two left brackets [[ for quick access to the links menu.

When you convert some blocks from one type to another (for example, from paragraph blocks to code blocks), the existing style is preserved.

Create custom buttons, and any new buttons you make will automatically retain the custom style.

Make tag clouds and social icons more attractive with updated settings and controls and new outline styles for tag clouds.

Style Switch

Block themes now include options with multiple style variants, and this update further expands the new style system and enables shortcuts to toggle site appearance in individual themes. You can change the available settings (such as font thickness) and style options (such as the default color palette). The site appearance can be changed with just a few clicks.

More available template options

WordPress 6.0 includes five new template options: Author, Date, Category, Tags, and Taxonomy. These additional templates can provide content creators with great flexibility. This version allows you to customize each template on-demand with the tools you know or with the following new options

Integrated Block Templates

Block templates are now displayed in the appropriate location as desired (e.g., in the quick inserter or in the interface for creating new headers and footers). If you are the author of a block theme, you can register the samples in the block directory using theme.json, allowing you to prioritize the best samples for theme users.

Better list view

New keyboard shortcuts allow you to select multiple blocks from the list view, modify them in bulk, and drag and drop them freely within the list items. The list view can simply be expanded or collapsed, with the default being collapsed and automatically positioned to the currently selected block whenever you select a block.

Block locking control

Now you can lock blocks and choose to disable block movement, disable block removal, or both. This feature simplifies the complex process of handing over projects, allowing customers to explore and create freely without fear of accidental site destruction.



Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/software/wordpress-6-0-3-official-release.html

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