Science: What’s the matter with the iPhone 14 Pro restarting while charging

Recently, some netizens found that the phone will automatically restart when charging the iPhone 14 Pro. Sometimes, if the situation is serious, it needs to be restarted every ten or twenty minutes. So what's going on here? What should I do if the iPhone 14 Pro is charged and restarted? Come check it out!

science whats the matter with the iphone 14 pro restarting while charging

iPhone 14 Pro restarts when charging

Some Apple iPhone 14 Pro users have complained that the iOS 16 battery is easy to drain, but it may not be the most serious problem. The bigger bug is that users report that iPhone devices restart intermittently while charging, such as every 10-20 minutes, which is quite a serious problem. Because of the random restart, it means that the user cannot use the phone normally. Some others have reported that the problem persists even on iOS 16.0.2 or iOS 16.1 Beta. At present, Apple has not yet responded to this issue.

iPhone 14 Pro charging and restarting how to do

This only happens when the battery is 90-95% charged (especially 93%) and the phone is idle. (...) The only thing that has worked so far (no reboots for two nights as of now) is to disable background app refresh.

For those who can afford it, the best option is to return their iPhone within 14 days and buy another - or ask for a replacement at your local Apple Store.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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