iOS 16.1 Beta 2 optimizes the battery icon: the battery slot follows the actual battery change

Apple has redesigned the battery icon in iOS 16, and the power number will be displayed directly within the battery icon. However, because the power slot in the power icon does not change due to the actual power, it has been criticized by many users. However, in the latest iOS 16.1 Beta 2, Apple once again adjusted the power icon based on user feedback to make it more in line with users' daily habits.

ios 16 1 beta 2 optimizes the battery icon the battery slot follows the actual battery change ios 16 1 beta 2 optimizes the battery icon the battery slot follows the actual battery change 1 ios 16 1 beta 2 optimizes the battery icon the battery slot follows the actual battery change 2

The battery icon of iOS 16 was previously complained by the CEO of Microsoft. He said: "Upgrading to digital power, but there is no power anxiety, because if you ignore the number, it looks like the power is full." This is mainly because the icon's battery slot does not change according to the actual battery, which is easily misleading.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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