Tech anchor transforms the Galaxy Z into a Windows phone

How many friends still remember Windows Phone, the former "third largest" mobile OS system? In the past, it was gradually defeated in the competition with Android and Apple IOS, and finally became the tears of the times. Recently, a technology anchor has transformed the Galaxy Z mobile phone into a Win system mobile phone, and let's experience it together.

tech anchor transforms the galaxy z into a windows phone 1

There were many fans of Windows Phone when it was launched that year. However, the lack of support for various APPs caused inconvenience in the lives of users who insisted on using Windows Phone. In December 2019, Microsoft announced that it would stop supporting services, and there will be no more in the mobile phone market. New mobile phones that support Windows Phone.

tech anchor transforms the galaxy z into a windows phone

The famous YouTube anchor Mark Spurrell recently restored the old dream, using a Samsung high-end folding mobile phone Galaxy Z Fold4 to transform, to achieve the restoration of the Win system, it looks really nostalgic.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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