iPhone 14 fast charging up to 30W

Apple's iPhone compared to Android has two often trolled places, one is the signal, the other is fast charging.

For the signal can sometimes tolerate, after all, not to the point of no use, but now the smart phone does not have fast charging in the past.

But according to the latest news, the charging performance of the iPhone will see a turnaround. Overseas blogger Jioriki revealed that the iPhone 14 is likely to use 30W fast charging solution, which is not worth mentioning for Android machines, after all, Android have 200W flash charging, but it is significant for the iPhone.

Although the 30W fast charging boost is not much, but due to Apple's smaller battery capacity, the charging speed will be relatively more improved, if the iPhone 14 boosted to 30W charging speed has the potential to do about 40 minutes full.

The maximum charging power of the current iPhone 13 Pro Max is 27W. It turns out that Apple is not incapable of fast charging, but Apple stubbornly believes that it does not need that much power for fast charging. If Apple "steps down the toothpaste tube" on fast charging this time, consumers' desire to buy will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced.

In addition, there is news that the iPhone 14 series is not Type-C interface, but continue to retain the lightning interface standard, Apple is expected to switch to Type-C interface in the iPhone 15 models, bringing better results.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/news/iphone-14-fast-charging-up-to-30w.html

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