Chrome will go live with a useful new feature: password strength indicator

With the Internet taking up a larger and larger share in life, there are often heaps of personal privacy behind each account, so how to ensure the security of passwords and prevent account theft has gradually become the focus of people's attention.

Today, some users found the "password strength indicator" flag in the latest version of Chrome browser, according to the description of the function, when users register or change their passwords, the indicator will automatically pop up and remind users of the security level of their passwords.

In other words, when registering an account, users will intuitively know whether their current passwords are secure, so they can make further adjustments to their passwords.

Not surprisingly, the feature will support all desktop platforms including macOS, Windows, ChromeOS and Linux, helping users to ensure the security of their passwords.

At the same time, a number of Internet giants, including Google and Microsoft, are also trying to implement a "passwordless" solution, using biometric technology and other ways to replace the traditional password system to further enhance the security of accounts.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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