Prevent hackers from violently cracking Microsoft Win11 lost 10 times the wrong password to lock

Login password is a key step in preventing cyber attacks, however, many people use weak passwords for the convenience of remembering, which can easily be cracked by hackers, in order to prevent such violent cracking, Microsoft launched a new policy on the latest Win11 system, lose the wrong password 10 times will be locked.

According to Microsoft's news, Windows 11 Build 22528 and above, which is currently the Beta version of Windows 11 22H2 channel currently being tested will support this policy, its RDP policy to prevent blasting mode, once the wrong password 10 times will be locked for 10 minutes.

Do not underestimate the 10-minute limit, this point will allow many violent password cracking attacks are blocked, otherwise with the current weak password strength, hackers may be able to breach many PC users' computer passwords in just a few seconds.

Of course, this its RDP policy change can also be manually changed in Group Policy, Microsoft's new feature is just not enabled from the previous default to enable it, the 10-minute limit can also be extended, up to 99,999 minutes, except that such a setting, you lose the wrong password will also be very troublesome.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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