New Win11 bug causes taskbar icons to strangely disappear: Microsoft releases temporary fix

Recently, some users submitted a new bug in the Microsoft Feedback Center, saying that their Win11 system taskbar icons "disappeared strangely" for unknown reasons, and they could not find a fix.

Win11 new bug causes the taskbar icon to disappear: Microsoft released a temporary fix illustration

At present, Microsoft has made a response to the bug, clear the cause of the bug at the same time, gave a temporary fix.

It is reported that the culprit of the bug is Win11's IRIS service, which is suspected to be related to Windows Focus and other features, but Microsoft has never explicitly acknowledged it.

To fix the bug, you need to open the Command Character Manager (CMD) in administrator mode and then enter the command "reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\IrisService /f && shutdown -r -t 0".

This command will delete the registry value of IRIS service to solve the problem.

Generally, after entering the command, the system will automatically restart and the problem will be solved after booting.

It is worth mentioning that as early as 2020, Win10 had a bug that the taskbar did not display icons, but the trigger for the problem at that time was insufficient device memory.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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