Xiaomi responded to the production of cell phones in Vietnam: true

Not long ago, a news that "Xiaomi has produced cell phones in Vietnam" attracted the attention of the Internet, when the media reported that Xiaomi had recently delivered the first batch of smartphones made in Vietnam, and entrusted the production to DBG Technology in Hong Kong.

Today, according to Global News, Xiaomi spokesperson responded to the matter that the news is true, the Vietnam factory has been completed and put into operation in June 2021, and the Xiaomi phones produced on behalf of Vietnam started selling in June this year.

Link: https://world.huanqiu.com/article/48isVRiC0fi

Xiaomi spokesman also stressed that the Vietnam factory is only one of the company's product layout in Southeast Asia, not the entire production supply chain moved to Vietnam. Xiaomi has a global layout of the supply chain, "but for Xiaomi, the most important has always been the domestic supply chain."

The spokesperson pointed out that Xiaomi phones produced in the Vietnam factory will be supplied to other Southeast Asian countries, such as Thailand and Malaysia, in addition to the local Vietnamese market.

It is understood that Xiaomi previously mainly produced cell phones in China and India, but after the epidemic, the supply chain was disrupted, and in order to decentralize the production base, it was decided to produce in northern Vietnam, which is easy to move from China.

According to previous data from analyst firm Counterpoint, Xiaomi has become the second largest cell phone maker in Vietnam after Samsung (34 percent) by taking 20.6 percent of the market share of smartphones in the first three months of this year.

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM
Permalink: https://pcpai.com/news/xiaomi-responded-to-the-production-of-cell-phones-in-vietnam-true.html

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