Intel overclocking software XTU update 13 generation core overclocking as expected there are surprises

XTU (Extreme Tuning Utility), which has a simple interface but powerful functions, is a magic tool for overtuning. Recently, the official update XTU edition has many upgrades, and the support for the 7 generation Core Kaby Lake has been deleted. Support for The Win11 H2 system, but also hinted at the 13 generation core overclocking, very interesting content.

Kaby Lake, the core processor for Windows 11, has been removed from Windows 7. The core processor for Windows 11 is Kaby Lake, the core processor for Windows 11.

The key new feature is overclocking support for future platforms, with three major changes:

  • · Added support for PER-core OC TVB
  • · Added support for Package OC TVB
  • · Added support for Efficient TVB

Although Intel did not explicitly mention the Raptor Lake core 13, the current point in time to support the next generation platform means that the Core 13 is no longer available.

These several overclocking functions are all around Intel TVB overclocking acceleration technology, obviously 13 generation core TVB overclocking will be a key, don't forget a few days ago there was also the revelation of 13 generation Core has a special edition may impact the 6GHz frequency, this area of overclocking will be very interesting, after all, the single-core performance is the basic Intel disk.

Download (the official website has not released the new version) :

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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