SMS Organizer app on Android updated to v1.1.218

SMS Organizer is one of the best SMS apps on Android, and the app gets better with every update. Recently, Microsoft pushed out an update to the SMS Organizer app that adds bug fixes and a new feature.

The latest update comes with an updated version number 1.1.218 and adds the ability for the SMS Organizer app to be the default messaging app for system settings. Other than that, the update does not include other changes. You can read the full official changelog below.


Microsoft recently added a bunch of new features, including support for multiple attachments in a single message, the ability to rename group conversation names, and the ability to handle shared contacts as vCard events. The company also added a redesigned Move to dialog box via an update.

However, SMS Organizer is currently limited to Android smartphones. Also, the app is not available everywhere. Microsoft's messaging app is currently available in the US, UK and India. So, if you are in one of these countries, you can install the app on your Android smartphone right now.

You can download the SMS Organizer app from the following link:

SMS Organizer v1.1.218

Author: King
Copyright: PCPai.COM

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